RAD140 is very powerful SARM or seclective androgen receptor modulator.
You can expect the following:
- More anabolic than testosterone
- Anabolic to androgenic ratio of 90:1
- Improves libido and sexual performance
- Best SARM for muscle growth and size
- Reduces fat and increases muscle mass
- Ideal to enhance body composition
- Rapid muscle recovery
- A safer alternative to anabolic steroids
- No androgenic side effects such as male pattern baldness
- Excellent stacking potential with other SARMs and prohormones
- PCT required
We will be offering this with our PCT of choice DECIMATE which will
decreases circulating levels of estrogen in the body. Some studies have shown to even lower cortisol levels too. Arimistane is a suicidal AI, which prevents the conversion of testosterone to oestrogen. It does this by binds to the aromatase enzyme and does so with a binding rate of .22 micromolar which is far stronger than ATD and 6-oxo. Once it binds, it is incapable of releasing until the body eliminates the enzyme from the body.
Safed Musli
Enhances glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the liver and detoxify the body. It has also been shown to increase spermatogenesis (sperm production) and erectile strength.
Increases the production of glutathione which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the liver and detoxify the body.